Haiti Earthquake – Latest CoverageHaiti Quake: How You Can Help Reports started filtering in about tremendous loss of life. It was an unimaginable crisis in a country that long suffered years of poverty, neglect, and corruption. I had been there before when Baby Doc Duvalier and his wife fled the country after years of crippling rule by the DuValier family. Chaos descended on the country then ,forcing US troops to be rushed in to stabilize the country. Now the U.S., along with the world community, would have to come to the rescue again for this most cruel of natural disasters. My bosses at CBS asked me if I would volunteer to go. We were not sure how I would get there. Within an hour I was racing out the door to the Fairfax County Virginia Search and Rescue headquarters. The search team from there is one of the best in the world for earthquake disasters. They have been sent before to far-flung places like China, Taiwan, Turkey, Italy and Mexico to search for survivors in the immediate aftermath of strong quakes. When I arrived at the fire station in Virginia, dozens of men and women with search dogs at their side, were busy packing their equipment and preparing to launch their mission. They travel under the auspices of the U.S. government “AID” program. In this case, the government was desperately trying to find transport to Haiti. I was told we would either have to travel to Dover Air Force base in Delaware for a military transport to Haiti, or we would travel by a civilian charter aircraft from nearby Dulles airport. The search and rescue team was allowing CBS to accompany them on the mission. We were the only journalists to go along. We waited 13 hours through the night until word came we had transportation. I never slept, thinking we could be leaving at any moment. I soon got to know the brave men and women of this very specialized group as we sat all night keeping each other awake. Little did I know that I would remain awake literally for 72 hours, ne